When I first arrived in Alresford in 2000, the year of The Eclipse and Y2K, you could buy a thing to keep your record player going called a stylus. The clock shop on West Street sold them in packs of100: loud, medium and soft. These were the steel stylii for wind up gramophones. I still have some and a gramophone.
The electrical shop Derek Gedye also had a cardboard sheet with modern record player stylii. Sadly today I went in to see if they had an Ortofon E5 and they have not stocked stylii for a couple of years. So I placed an order with The Stylus Lady.
Of course we still have two butchers, a fishmonger, a veg shop, a hardware store, a bakery, a wine merchant, a dress shop that someone called Katherine has visited and there is only one charity shop in the town. So I can’t complain.
What else can you no longer buy in New Alresford?